This is one of my first attempts at realistic HDR. I didn't have enough photo's to really do it well (3 photos). I also used a blurred "Soft light" layer to add some contrast. It also seems to take a bit of the sharpness of the lights away. A good thing to balance the harshness of the lights I think.
I was liking the effect a slow shutter speed had on the smoke stacks. I really brought out a lot of the colors in LR2/PS4 as well.
30secs @ F/8.0 125mm with Nikon 70-300 VR
Another take on the similar shot above. Finished much the same as well.
30secs @ F/8.0 300mm with Nikon 70-300 VR
28secs @ F/8.0 150mm with Nikon 70-300 VR
While some might go as far as I calling me a tree hugging hippy. I can't deny I like the look of places like this at night when they have all the lights on. This is the the local Tolko Industries wood processing plant. I was out looking for a view of the City (Kelowna, BC) but the road up Knox mountain is closed for the winter and I didn't have the time to walk up. Was a nice night to be out and I meet a very nice lady that I talked with for awhile. A successful evening in my books.